Vertical LPCVD furnaces at FhG

Vertical LPCVD furnaces Fraunhofer IISB
Crystec Technology Trading GmbH

Vertical Furnaces at Fraunhofer Institute IISB in Erlangen

The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft boost and carries out advanced research by international networking for the immediate benefit of the economy and for the interest of the community. The Fraunhofer Microelectronics Alliance VµE coordinates the activities of the Fraunhofer institutes working in the fields of microelectronics and microintegration. Its purpose is to recognize and anticipate new trends in microelectronics applications and to incorporate them in the future strategic plans of the member institutes.

The Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB develops new equipment and processes in semiconductor manufacturing, as well as it provides simulation tools to characterize the process steps in modern microelectronics manufacturing. For this, the IISB runs two clean rooms in Erlangen.

For the two processes silicon nitride deposition and doped poly silicon deposition, Fraunhofer uses LPCVD vertical furnaces from Koyo Thermo Systems type VF1000. On the following pictures, you can see these furnace from the front side (clean room) and from the rear side (grey room). The third picture shows the vacuum pump installation in the basement.

vertical furnace VF1000   vertical furnace nitride and poly-silicon   vacuum pump in the basement